21 . Mar . 24

Pregnancy (1st - 3rd trimester)

What features do I need in a pram? The 7 must-haves that will level up your parenting experience.

From manoeuvrability to storage, safety to convenience, we'll break down the features you actually need in your pram.

The world of prams presents endless choices. When selecting your pram, you'll encounter so many features and options with a lot of them seemingly the same. So, what features do you need in a pram and what are the differences between a well-designed product and one that just covers the basics? Navigating this is particularly challenging for first-time parents, who are yet to experience the joys, and challenges of parenthood.

We’ve prepared all the must-have features in one list (including the small details to keep an eye on) partnered with how you’ll use these features every day; because you’ll only appreciate carefully considered design features with frequent use of the pram.

Let’s start with the game-changers

Basket capacity: Stores what you need

You’ll want a basket that suits your family’s needs and lifestyle.

For your everyday, full-sized pram (whether single or double) you’ll want a large-capacity basket that’s easy to access from the front and the back of the pram. Opt for prams like the Redsbaby NUVO which has basket accessibility from both front and back, and has adequate space between the top of the basket and the bottom of the pram seat, allowing you to fit bulkier items in with ease.

If you’re using a smaller city pram, compare basket sizes. While the basket won’t be the same capacity as a full-size pram, there can be a big difference between brands and models. Our AERON Pram has a surprisingly large, 8kg basket that can store a lot of items for urban adventures.

If you have, or plan on having more than one child, be aware of how the basket's capacity is impacted when adding a second seat to the pram. Full-size double prams (like our NUVO Pram) can comfortably fit two toddler seats on the pram chassis without impacting basket accessibility or capacity, while single prams designed to take a toddler seat (like our JIVE5 pram) offers less basket space in double mode but are more compact and lightweight.


Features for sleeps on-the-go: Easy single hand seat recline and extra-large extension canopy

Ask any parent and they’ll tell you about how important it is to keep their baby sleeping (when they finally can get them to sleep!).

There’s a few things to consider here that can make a world of difference every day.

  • One hand seat recline: You want a seat that reclines flat using one hand with the lever positioned at the top of the seat. Firstly, this makes the recline much easier for the user (rather than awkwardly trying to use two hands on either side of the seat to recline). Secondly, the weight of your baby in the pram will be fully supported when reclining, meaning no sudden movements that can wake them up when they’ve nearly nodded off or are already sleeping.

  • Large extension canopy: But not just a large canopy… You need a canopy that extends to cover baby while having the option for mesh panels. A lot of prams offer extensions that have mesh panels in the extension panel, meaning you can’t control whether you want the mesh panels opened or closed. Not only is that an issue for sun protection (more on that below), there’s nothing worse than turning a corner in your pram, and the sun shines directly in baby’s face waking them up.

Afterall: Happy baby = happy parents!

All Redsbaby prams offer single handed seat reclines and extra-large extension canopies with optional mesh panels.

Features for all seasons for comfort and protection: (Optional) mesh windows for breathability and airflow

  • Seat back: As parents ourselves, we know how sweaty and uncomfortable littles ones can become when sitting in the pram seat on warmer days. Our innovative NUVO Pram and AERON Pram feature unique large, optional mesh panels on the seat backs.

  • Canopy: We’ve already touched on the importance of a sun canopy for baby’s sleep, but just as importantly, a sun canopy’s design can make a big difference in the comfort of your baby through all seasons and temperatures. On sunny days, having the ability to close the mesh panel even when the canopy is fully extended is essential as it ensures your baby is completely protected from the sun and on cold days it protects them from the wind and cold air. This is a big one.

  • Bassinet: Just as importantly, if you choose a bassinet for your newborn, you’ll want mesh panels that can be opened or closed on the canopy and bassinet body pending the weather.

All Redsbaby pram bassinets, seat canopies and seat mesh panels have the option to open or close, so you can make the right choice for your baby depending on the climate and weather. Furthermore, our canopy fabrics are UPF50+ and block out 98% of UV rays and for all Redsbaby bassinets and seats we have UPF50+ sunshades can be purchased that cover your child's entire body while you're out and about.

The right choice for your newborn: Bassinet vs lay-flat seat

A lot of new parents-to-be ask: What is a bassinet, why do I need one and what are the benefits? While this isn’t a feature, it’s something we wanted to cover off here as a key consideration when purchasing your pram.

  • What is a bassinet? A bassinet is suitable for newborns up to approx. 6 months. It is freestanding with rigid sides and is removable from the pram frame. It provides a flat mattress position for your newborn, where they can lie freely.

  • Can I use a lay-flat seat instead of a bassinet? A lay-flat seat is a pram seat that reclines flat and allows you to secure your baby using the 5-point safety harness. Pram seats that are suitable for newborns will have a marking on their warning labels as per pram safety standards. Without this label, a pram is not approved for newborn use.

  • Which option is right for me? We recommend a bassinet for your newborn as it ensures your baby is in the optimal position while their neck and spine muscles are developing. It also offers more convenience when removing your baby from the pram if they are sleeping, with the use of a carry handle. Bassinets also offer the most sun protection as they have an apron together with a canopy to protect your baby. A lay-flat seat is a great option if you are tight on space or don’t want to store the bassinet once you’ve finished using it and are happy using the 5-point safety harness to secure your baby.

Some prams have a clever 2-in-1 design like our NUVO Pram where the same seat frame, canopy and bumper are shared across the bassinet and seat, so you only need to store the bassinet fabrics once you’ve finished using the bassinet. All Redsbaby Prams have a compatible bassinet or lay-flat seat to suit your family’s needs.

Multitask with one-handed adjustments

Many pram brands still have two-handed functionalities across a lot of the adjustments on their prams (handle height, footrest position, seat recline, seat removal and more!). Our products are designed to use one-handed functionality wherever possible across our whole range. Our NUVO is a testament to this featuring a single hand seat recline, footrest and handle height adjustment. You can even remove the seat and bassinet with one hand. Our AERON Pram goes so far as to have a one-second, one-handed fold. This allows you to have one hand free for your baby while opening, folding and adjusting the pram with the other for a more effortless parenting experience.


Prams that fold with seats attached both parent and world-facing

Never underestimate the power of a pram that folds with seats attached both parent and world-facing. Removing this extra step from your checklist when getting in the car or arriving home will save you much needed time and make your life so much easier. This will also save you storage space as you'll be able to keep everything compact and together. At Redsbaby all our prams fold with seats attached, but our AERON and NUVO boast a fold with seats attached in either direction, and our NUVO can fold with both seats attached in any direction when using it in double mode.

Other essential features to consider

While we’re here, we thought we’d list out some of the basics, because not all prams come with the essential features you’ll use every day, and for those that do, it’s important that their design is considered to make them as easy to use as possible. This will allow you to focus on the things that matter, like spending time with your family.

Capsule compatible

Purchasing and using a baby capsule (also called a baby car seat or baby infant carrier) allows you to move baby from pram to car and vice versa without disturbing their sleep. This feature is dependent on your lifestyle. If you have a second baby and need to drop your first off at day-care for example, it can be helpful transitioning from car to pram. If you drive a lot to get from A-B, you’ll probably find a capsule will be a good choice for your family. Britax’s b-pod is an innovative capsule suitable for low birthweight babies and is in our opinion the easiest capsule to secure and remove from your pram (whether Redsbaby or otherwise!). All Redsbaby prams are capsule compatible.

An easy on/off brake

Bonus points if the brake is sandal-friendly and can be flicked on and off with light pressure like our Redsbaby options.

Adjustable handlebar

Especially if there is a large height difference between the child's carers - an adjustable handlebar means you can quickly and effortlessly make the pram more comfortable no matter your height, or who you’re sharing with.

Five point safety harness

Ensure your baby is secure and safely strapped into the pram with a 5 point safety harness, making it impossible for even the most advanced escape artists to wiggle free.

Front and rear wheel suspension

Some families will require a pram that has more advanced suspension, depending on their lifestyle. Think about the sort of walks you'll be taking baby on - will you be on footpaths, on grass, on gravel? Do you live in the city or the suburbs? If you live in the city, you may value a compact pram over one with large wheels and advanced suspension. In this case a pram like the Redsbaby SKIP² or AERON would be ideal for it's compact fold, however if you need something suitable for all-terrain adventures, the JIVE⁵ or NUVO would be more compatible with your needs.


Good manoeuvrability in a pram is important because it allows for easier navigation in crowded or tight spaces, making it more convenient for caregivers to move around obstacles, negotiate corners, and manoeuvre through busy areas like grocery stores or car parks.

Explore the range



SHOP $799
Blue Slate


SHOP $1,249

SKIP² Stroller

SHOP $449

JIVE⁵ Pram

SHOP $999$799

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